

Common Cents Blog

When Is This Going To End?

I will admit it: the last several days have been especially trying, as a sharp spike in oil, and other commodity, prices has caused global equity investors to reach for the door. Ordinarily, the bond market…

Common Cents Blog

Common Cents & The Scorpion

Despite a spate of decent, and even great, domestic economic news this week, it is hard to escape the morass in eastern Europe. Surely, the military brass in the Kremlin didn’t draw it up like this?…

Common Cents Blog

Russia vs. Ukraine: What a Mess.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine this morning has made a somewhat murky geopolitical picture even more so. What does this conflict mean for global investors, US citizens, and their pocketbooks? While that might seem cold given the…

Common Cents Blog

Common Cents & Black Swans

One of the more difficult things about investing is determining what the next “black swan” event will be. After all, there is a reason why we call them “black swan” events. In case you are unfamiliar…

Common Cents Blog

Argentinian Woes…Huh?!

Today wasn’t a very good day for the world’s investment markets. Bank woes in Portugal; a default in Argentina; conflict in the Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, and the specter of a less accommodating Federal Reserve…